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ভারতবর্ষ  সম্পর্ক  পরুন  Introduction Our motherland India is a great country geographically and historically. Its size is so vast that it is sometimes called a 'subcontinent'. It is part of the Asian continent. But sometimes India itself seems like a continent. It extends from the ice-capped Himalayas to the coast of the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean stretches for thousands of kilometers from the Ganga delta to the Kutch and Indus valleys in Gujarat. It consists of the Great Plains in the north, the Khu Desert in the west, the Indo-Myanmar Highlands in the east, the Bandhu Plateau, the Ancient Highlands, the coconut-producing coastal plains in the south, and the high snow-capped mountains in the north. As it is located in the tropical region, the solar heat is high here. Monsoon rains increase the humidity of the region. Extreme heat and heavy monsoon rains continue to affect millions of Indians. This is our India, our destiny.  In the words of Kavi Guru - O Bhuvanamanomohini

Climate change in Asia

G lobal air and ocean temperatures are rising. Oceans are acidifying and ice caps are melting. Natural disasters are occurring more frequently and their intensity is also increasing. Warming of the climate system is unequivocal. Growing atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is leading to rise in heat. Earth's average temperature in the last century has increased by about 3-4°C. It is now well documented that such warming will bring huge damages to ecosystems, species, human infrastructures, societies and livelihoods. Climate change is no longer a distant threat to progress. Climate and more frequent natural disasters threaten to significantly increase hunger and malnutrition. More frequent and intense natural disasters; deteriorating environment and land productivity; and reduced access to food, water and sanitation are projected to increase the risk of hunger and malnutrition worldwide-most affecting countries where hunger, undernutrition and food


Sandstone • Origin  Sandstone belongs to sedimentary rocks. Sandstone is the rock formed by the solidification of sand particles. • Features • Features  The sand particles in sandstone are usually quartz, the sand particles are mainly spherical. Quartz particles are small. Fine-grained sandstone with siltstone and pebble-like particles Sandstone is called conglomerate. This rock does not corrode easily when exposed to silicon or other similar elements, the sandstones are red and yellow in color depending on the material. Sand particles. Its color is red or brown when precipitated by silica, calcium carbonate or kaolin. Sandstone particles are harder than cementitious materials. Therefore, when they are broken, the solid particles are intact but the coagulant is broken. Sandstone composed of silica is very hard, so it is used in house construction. Ways of identification: 1 Composition— Quartz and some magnesium minerals. 2 Shapes—Lamination 3 colors - grayish yellow, reddish brown. 4 W

Origin and Definition of Cyclone

  Origin and Definition of Cyclone  In 1848 Captain Henry Piddington first used the term cyclone. The word cyclone is derived from the Greek word 'kukloma', which in Bengali lexicon mik means 'coil of snake'.  According to AN Strahler, a low pressure center is called a vortex. When a small area of ​​land or water is suddenly heated, the air there becomes lighter and due to side pressure rises up and forms a strong low pressure cell or center at that place.  A steep atmospheric shield forms around the center in the lower atmosphere. Then the wind from all sides rushes towards the center in a coil shape with high speed and alternately rises and rises.  Concentric and upwardly moving high-speed rotating air around a strong low pressure cell is called a cyclone.  In the Northern Hemisphere, this type of wind flows in a clockwise direction, in the Southern Hemisphere, in a clockwise direction . Cyclones are observed in tropical and temperate regions. In some places it is ver


    Weathering   Con Concept Meteorology is one of the physical methods used to change landforms. The word meteorology comes from the weather. Therefore, by meteorology we mean those who cause changes in the earth's surface. That is meteorological hall. A type of transformation process by which rocks, soils, etc. break down and fall to the surface. Climate is a natural process that is thought to precede soil formation. By this process education is broken into small pieces and shattered. These fragments play a major role in the formation of soil in later times. As a result of meteorology, the hard rock on the surface of the earth becomes flexible and decomposes, but the dispersed object does not change its position. So it is a stable process. At the same time it is a complex process.  Def According to Chorley's definition, "meteorology refers to the erosion and incoherence of the contact between the climatic elements of rocks and minerals." According to the famous geol