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Sandstone • Origin  Sandstone belongs to sedimentary rocks. Sandstone is the rock formed by the solidification of sand particles. • Features • Features  The sand particles in sandstone are usually quartz, the sand particles are mainly spherical. Quartz particles are small. Fine-grained sandstone with siltstone and pebble-like particles Sandstone is called conglomerate. This rock does not corrode easily when exposed to silicon or other similar elements, the sandstones are red and yellow in color depending on the material. Sand particles. Its color is red or brown when precipitated by silica, calcium carbonate or kaolin. Sandstone particles are harder than cementitious materials. Therefore, when they are broken, the solid particles are intact but the coagulant is broken. Sandstone composed of silica is very hard, so it is used in house construction. Ways of identification: 1 Composition— Quartz and some magnesium minerals. 2 Shapes—Lamination 3 colors - grayish yellow, reddish brown. 4 W