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Spatial functional interaction is a mutually functional interaction between different economic regions of the world. This type of interconnection isnecessary for the development of economic regions.

 In the era of modern specialization and production on a large scale, any economic work affects the whole world and is itself influenced by other economic-socio-political conditions of the world. Therefore, no economic region can remain separate from other states. In fact, incentives for a particular type of production in a particular state and means of producing it can be obtained not only from a remote region directly from the same state and the goods produced can be consumed in the same way. 

This regional functional interaction is the basis of economic development. Territorial functional interaction is both transverse and perpendicular, that is, there is interaction between different economic regions of the same hierarchy level and there is a similar relationship between regions at different levels of the state hierarchy. 

The expression of regional organization of the economic system is through such infinite regional functional interaction.

Although such interrelationships and the functional structural patterns resulting from them are often not in tangible form visible, they are important geographical elements. Edward L. According to Edward L. UIman, the study of world and regional interactions is the axis of geographical study. 

Their function of regional interaction is regional functional interaction in which many interconnected sequences of regional functional organization arranged in economic functional hierarchy in different industries ie regional structure of economic landscape, such as interconnection of real important human elements between different regions of the world. 

This developed functional hierarchy arises from the increasing volume and complexity of units of economic industry on a large to small scale, as well as the parallel relationships and functional interconnections of central organizations.

The following example will explain this concept of regional functional organization. An agricultural farm is a unit of economic industry. Theagricultural farm is spread around the farmstead and is related to it. 

A commodity manufacturing industry, which is a separate unit of economic industry, develops at a central place. Therefore, there is no direct connection between the factory of agricultural farm and the commodity manufacturing industry, but in fact both are interrelated with a city which is the center of the commodity manufacturing industry as well as the market and supply center for agriculture. 

This process is repeated at every level of the hierarchy of central and homogeneous regions and eventually the world class economic landscapes become interconnected, but the intensity of interconnecting in such a functional organization varies according to the complexity of theeconomic system. Can. Initial economic systems do not provide Surplus, so no means of transportation and trading centers are required and as a result regional functional organizations may be separated only at the lower levels of the territories. On the other hand, the regional functional organization in the industrial trade economy system develops to the world level. 6. Territorial - Regional economic development - The concept of regional economic development shows the practical aspect of economic geography.

 It was only in 1920 that Drayor described economic geography as a practical approach.

The concept of regional economic development emphasizes proper utilization of resources and maximum production through regional economic integration. The basic objective of economic geography is to explain the variation in the level of economic development in different regions. This requires measurement and analysis of various aspects of economic development. 

According to Ullman, the basic objective of regional research in economic geography is to determine and explain the level of current economic development of a particular state. In this context, it is more important to discuss resource accessibility rarity and progress in cultural technical field than other states in a particular state. 

For regional economic development, the associated and balanced resource utilization of different regions is essential because regional functional interaction and regional unctional organizations will be in proper form only. This is why regional planning of regional interconnected economic development is more important in economic geography. 


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