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 The Kyrgyz live in the western part of the step meadows north of the Tiansan Mountains, a continental location in Central Asia. As this region is isolated from the original civilization, its communication with the developed regions of the country is very weak. Although there is little contact with Russia's developed regions in the north, the Xian Desert and the Tibetan Plateau in the south have separated them from China and India. These are separated by arid desert regions to the east and west. However, they occasionally came in contact with other nomadic groups, the Mongols and the Turkmen.


The topography is diverse. The plateaus of the south have been lowered and gradually merged into the vast plains of the north. The highest point of the plateau is the highest Tiansan Mountains in the far south from 3000 to 4000 meters.


The climate is extreme for continental location i.e. far from sea. The maximum temperature in summer at the polar border is 15.5 ° C. (July) and subtropical border 28 ° C. Is up to. Winter temperatures dipped below freezing in January at the polar border. The difference in day and night temperature is also quite high. Rainfall - Due to its location far from the sea and being surrounded by high mountains, the arrival of humid sea air is hampered. As a result, the rainfall is very low. Only 25-50 cm. Due to this lack of rainfall, normal plants are mainly grasses and shrubs and Xerophytic Vegetation in arid regions. Large trees grow only on high mountains and in the riparian areas of those rivers. Also almost everywhere grassland. Although the soil is fertile, lack of water is an obstacle to agriculture.

Mode of Living: 

The livelihood of the Kyrgyz depended on the grasslands. They work in groups. In group life, they move from place to place with herds of animals in search of grass and water. Sheep, goats and horses are reared. In the summer, when the winter subsides, herds of cattle move south in search of grass in the area adjacent to Mount Tiansan. With the onset of winter it descends to the plateau region to the north and to the spiritual plains. They are accustomed to such seasonal nomadic scholarship.


Although they are pastoralists, meat is not their main food. Animals are their main asset. Milk and dairy products are the staple food. Eat meat if necessary. Eat vegetables if available. Leave the milk in a leather bag for two days and then drink the milk. Other necessities they collect from the inhabitants of Russia from time to time.

Clothing, shelter and daily necessities: 

In fact, the Kyrgyz rely on their cattle for shelter. They mainly wear clothing made of leather and fur and use leather shoes. Men usually wear leather hats but girls wear cotton hats. He grows willow trees along the river. 

This willow forms a round lattice frame with a wooden frame and spreads a thick woolen felt over it to form a tent. It can be rotated during transit. Protects tents from cold winds and rain. These 4-meter diameter tents are usually placed near rivers or water sources to avoid drinking water problems.

The use of furniture is rarely seen in the lives of nomadic pastoralists. Blankets, rugs, leather bags. Daily demand.

* Leadership role: 

The role of group leadership is important in their team life. The members of the group must obey the instructions of this leader.

* Movement: 

The movement of the Kyrgyz group is like watching from one place to another. The work of each member of the team is specific. At first the men went ahead with the herd of cows in the morning. Later, the women leave their tents and follow the advancing group with their young children. Furniture on one side of the horse, children on the other side of the horse tied to walk. Arriving at a certain place in the afternoon or evening they set up tents, set up temporary villages and arranged things in such a way that it is not understood that they have arrived in a new place.

* Impact of civilization: 

At one time agriculture could not be imagined due to lack of communication and lack of isolation and rainfall. But government initiatives improve agricultural technology and expand irrigation. Due to this, agriculture has been introduced in a wide area in Step. This crop is rich in wheat and winter crops. Mineral-based trade has also advanced in the discovery of minerals such as iron. Commercial grazing has been introduced in a significant part of the grasslands. As a result, sustainable livelihood-dependent animal husbandry can be seen elsewhere. As a result, many of the nomadic pastoralists have become permanent farmers or have been involved in modern activities. As nomadic pastoralists, some groups still practice their ancient lifestyles. 

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