Possible modifiers of future livestock production and consumption trends (a) Competition for resources (i) Land On the suitable land of the humid–sub humid zones, some rise in production is likely to occur where this is possiblethrough the use of improved pastures and effective management. In the more arid and semiarid areas, livestock are a key mechanism for managing risk.However increases of population are fragmenting rangelands in many places and making difficult for pastoralists to gain access to the feed and water resources that they have traditionally been able to access.In the future, grazing systems will increasingly provide ecosystem goods and services that are traded.But it is not clear, how future livestock production from these systems may be affected. The mixed crop–livestock systems will continue to be critical to future food securitybecause two-thirds of the global population live in these systems. (ii) Water Globally freshwater resources are relatively scarce. Fre
PRIMARY ACTIVITIES INTRODUCTION Human economic activities are adversely affected by the physical and social environment. These economic activities are the basis of economic development of any country. Physical environment includes geographical location, drainage system, land, soil type, natural vegetation and mineral resources etc. On the other hand social environment concern with the urbanization, industry, trade, population etc.It is well known that Physical and social condition are differ from place to place in the various parts of world. Sohuman economic activities are also differing from place to place.For example some areas are dominated by primary activities and others are dominated by secondary or tertiary activities etc.Human economic activities have been divided into five parts as give below: PRIMARY ACTIVITIES Primary activities are directly related with the obtaining product from nature. Activities such as hunting of animals, obtaining minerals from the earth crust, an